Meryl Taradash

Sculptures of Light and Wind

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Getting There Michener Art Museum
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Getting There with Artist & Shadow
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Getting There Detail


Rotating, oscillating aluminum atop painted steel

12ft.6in. h x18ft. l x 7ft.6in. diameter rotation 1997/2000

In Getting There, a sinuous black line of painted steel is topped with a Möbius curve of aluminum that oscillates, rotates and pivots in the wind. I utilize the paradoxical principle of the Möbius loop as a motion source. The effect is an elegant and witty response to nature.

Getting There was partially sponsored by the Michener Art Museum, and then displayed at the Elaine Benson Gallery. As a result, the Nobel Laureate, Dr. James Watson, purchased the sculpture for his Cold Spring Harbor Labs exhibition Sculpture By The Sea.

See Sisyphus (Wind Driven Sculpture) and the Movement Image of Getting There (Small Studies)